outside energy

→ the immersive self-liberation workshop teaching
you to feel safe being
you, undiluted.

No diluting this juice 🥭

Most of us learned that: 1) shrinking and diluting our selves = safety, and 2) that when we're raw, full, real — bad things happen.

In this immersive workshop, we begin to unlearn that. Build the kind of home within yourself that wraps you in safety and sweetness so you feel safe being you, full force.

If you’re looking to experience life with less fear + aching to take up space authentically this one's for you. 👇🏾

hey, I'm Iman.

I design healing experiences,
I coach, and I make art. I'm hyped to share this immersive journey with you. may it be a journey home to yourself.



healing experience builder
think Shuri + Brené Brown, the remix 💿

the goods

    Your privacy is safe with me,
    no funny business.