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move from «lost myself in survival mode» to « playing in my vastness »👩🏾‍🎨🛸 with 8 min of bedtime meditation.

you picked up a habit of shrinking your self

Watering down your juice.

Compressing your vastness into a corset wayy too small.

When you try to let your full, un-editorialized self out, your mind and body feel frozen in shrunken mode.

Why? You've likely learned that: 1) shrinking = safety, and 2) that when you're raw, loud, real, bad things happen.

In this meditative journey, we begin to unlearn that. As you transition into sleep night after night, you teach your mind and body to:

- exist in your vastness, and to

- feel safe, held, cherished, there.

hey, I'm Iman.

I design healing experiences,
I coach, and I make art. I'm hyped to share this guided meditation with you. may it be a journey home to yourself.



healing creative
think Shuri + Brené Brown, the remix 💿

the goods

    I'll be emailing you the meditation and luv notes each month.